Here is the config of script.
This is only the configuration file, inside the script you can change menus, mini-games, etc.
Config = Config or {}
Locales = Locales or {}
-- __________ ___ __ __________ ______ ____ __ __
-- / ____/ __ \/ | / |/ / ____/ | / / __ \/ __ \/ //_/
-- / /_ / /_/ / /| | / /|_/ / __/ | | /| / / / / / /_/ / ,<
-- / __/ / _, _/ ___ |/ / / / /___ | |/ |/ / /_/ / _, _/ /| |
-- /_/ /_/ |_/_/ |_/_/ /_/_____/ |__/|__/\____/_/ |_/_/ |_|
With the 'automatic' option your framework will be automatically selected.
If you use a custom framework change to 'custom'.
If you only changed the name of your framework, leave it as automatic and change the names below.
Config.Framework = 'automatic' -- or 'custom'.
Config.FrameOptions = {
ESX = {
name = 'es_extended', --- Name of your es_extended
shared = 'esx:getSharedObject', --- Trigger of shared object
loadPlayer = 'esx:playerLoaded', --- Event name of load player
job = 'esx:setJob', --- Event name of job
playerDeath = 'esx:onPlayerDeath', --- Event when player death
playerLogout= 'esx:onPlayerLogout' --- Event when player disconnect/Unload
QBCore = {
name = 'qb-core', --- Name of your qb-core
loadPlayer = 'QBCore:Player:SetPlayerData', --- Event name of load player
job = 'QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate', --- Event name of job
playerDeath = 'QBCore:Player:onPlayerDeath', --- Event when player death
playerLogout= 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerUnload' --- Event when player disconnect/Unload
-- If you need to change something in the files or modify more things like progress bar and so on, all files are open (not encrypted), except those inside _escrow_files and js.
-- __
-- / / ___ ____ ____ ___ ______ _____ ____
-- / / / _ \/ __ \/ __ `/ / / / __ `/ __ `/ _ \
-- / /___/ __/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / __/
-- /_____/\___/_/ /_/\__, /\__,_/\__,_/\__, /\___/
-- /____/ /____/
❗ Remember to choose what is between ''
'es' > Para español.
'de' > Für Deutsch.
'fr' > Pour le français.
'pt' > Para português.
'en' > For english.
Config.Language = 'en'
-- ____ __
-- / _/___ _ _____ ____ / /_____ _______ __
-- / // __ \ | / / _ \/ __ \/ __/ __ \/ ___/ / / /
-- _/ // / / / |/ / __/ / / / /_/ /_/ / / / /_/ /
-- /___/_/ /_/|___/\___/_/ /_/\__/\____/_/ \__, /
-- /____/
❗ Remember to choose what is between ''
> automatic
> 'qs' > qs-inventory
> 'ox' > ox_inventory
> 'qb' > qb-inventory
> 'lj' > lj-inventory
> 'core' > core_inventory
> 'ps' > ps-inventory
Config.Inventory = 'automatic'
-- _ __ __ _ _____ __ _
-- / | / /___ / /_(_) __(_)________ _/ /_(_)___ ____
-- / |/ / __ \/ __/ / /_/ / ___/ __ `/ __/ / __ \/ __ \
-- / /| / /_/ / /_/ / __/ / /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /
-- /_/ |_/\____/\__/_/_/ /_/\___/\__,_/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/
❗ Remember to choose what is between ''
> 'default' > gta native
> 'okok' > okokNotify
> 'qs' > qs-notify
> 'qb' > qb-core
> 'esx' > esx notification
> 'custom' -> change on 'stRadio/client/notify/custom'
Config.NotifyScript = 'default'
❗ Remember to choose what is between ''
> 'automatic' > automatic detect
> 'salty' > salty-chat
> 'pma' > pma-voice
Config.VoiceScript = 'automatic'
-- It is not advisable to use another pma voice other than the official one,
-- but if you change the name you should change this
Config.PMAVoice = 'pma-voice' -- If have another name change it
Config.SaltyName = 'saltychat'
❗ Remember to choose what is between ''
> 'none' > For remove target and use draw text
> 'automatic' > automatic detect
> 'ox' > ox-target
> 'qb' > qb-target
Config.Target = 'none' -- in development
Config.Debug = false
-- _____________ ____________ ___ __
-- / ____/ ____/ | / / ____/ __ \/ | / /
-- / / __/ __/ / |/ / __/ / /_/ / /| | / /
-- / /_/ / /___/ /| / /___/ _, _/ ___ |/ /___
-- \____/_____/_/ |_/_____/_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/
-- Use a custom animations of script?
Config.CustomAnim = true
-- Name of the item
Config.RadioItem = 'radio' -- I recommend not changing
-- Disconnect from radio when the user is dead
Config.DisconnectWhenDeath = true
-- Disconnect from radio when the users drop the item
Config.DisconnectWhenDropRadioItem = true
-- __________ _ ____________ ____ __ _____
-- / ____/ __ \/ | / /_ __/ __ \/ __ \/ / / ___/
-- / / / / / / |/ / / / / /_/ / / / / / \__ \
-- / /___/ /_/ / /| / / / / _, _/ /_/ / /______/ /
-- \____/\____/_/ |_/ /_/ /_/ |_|\____/_____/____/
Config.KeyBinds = {
OpenRadio = 'F5' -- Fast key to open radio
-- Disable the user from running while talking on the radio
Config.DisableWhenTalking = {
JUMP = false,
SPRINT = false,
HANDBRAKE = false,
-- If you need to block any other key or add an export,
-- go to stRadio/client/utils.lua and have the "OnTalkingRadio" function
-- ____ ___ ____ ________ _____ _______________________ _____________
-- / __ \/ | / __ \/ _/ __ \ / ___// ____/_ __/_ __/ _/ | / / ____/ ___/
-- / /_/ / /| | / / / // // / / / \__ \/ __/ / / / / / // |/ / / __ \__ \
-- / _, _/ ___ |/ /_/ // // /_/ / ___/ / /___ / / / / _/ // /| / /_/ /___/ /
-- /_/ |_/_/ |_/_____/___/\____/ /____/_____/ /_/ /_/ /___/_/ |_/\____//____/
-- Default prop and battery when give a radio
Config.DefaultOptions = {
prop = 'radio_grey',
battery = 'bat_low',
Config.AliasSettings = {
Prefix = 'ST-', -- User prefix that appears in the initial metadata alias
Length = 5 -- Number and letters after the prefix
Config.RadioDistance = {
ENABLE = true,
veryCloseR = 500, -- It is heard clearly
closeR = 1000, -- Can be heard with a little interference
distantR = 2000, -- It is heard with interference
farAwayR = 3000, -- It is heard with a lot of interference
outOfRangeR = 5000, -- It can be heard with only interference
-- Sound effects
['veryClose'] = {
freq_low = 100.0,
freq_hi = 5000.0,
rm_mod_freq = 300.0,
rm_mix = 0.2,
fudge = 4.0,
o_freq_lo = 300.0,
o_freq_hi = 5000.0,
['close'] = {
freq_low = 100.0,
freq_hi = 5000.0,
rm_mod_freq = 300.0,
rm_mix = 0.4,
fudge = 8.0,
o_freq_lo = 300.0,
o_freq_hi = 5000.0,
['distant'] = {
freq_low = 100.0,
freq_hi = 5000.0,
rm_mod_freq = 300.0,
rm_mix = 0.6,
fudge = 16.0,
o_freq_lo = 300.0,
o_freq_hi = 5000.0,
['farAway'] = {
freq_low = 100.0,
freq_hi = 5000.0,
rm_mod_freq = 300.0,
rm_mix = 0.8,
fudge = 24.0,
o_freq_lo = 300.0,
o_freq_hi = 5000.0,
['outOfRange'] = {
freq_low = 0.0,
freq_hi = 0.0,
rm_mod_freq = 300.0,
rm_mix = 10.0,
fudge = 50.0,
o_freq_lo = 300.0,
o_freq_hi = 5000.0,
Config.ConnectionSettings = {
canFail = {
ENABLE = true, -- When connecting, can it fail and not connect?
percentageToFail = 10, -- % Percentage that can fail
timeoutToConnect = { -- Time it takes for the radio to connect
min = 1, -- seconds
max = 10, -- seconds
frequencies = {
MaxFrequency = 200, -- Maximum frequencies in which they can be connected
MinFrequency = 1, -- Minimum frequencies at which they can be connected
MaxTenths = 2 -- Maximum number of numbers that can be placed after . example : 125.24
savedRadios = {
Max = 5 -- Maximum number of radios that the user can save in their radio
Config.LockScreen = {
maxTrys = 3, -- Maximum number of times you can try to unlock your radio.
maxTime = 10, -- seconds | Time to try to unlock the radio.
hackMaXTime = 60, -- seconds
hackComplete = 2 -- seconds
Config.ChannelJobs = {
ENABLE = true,
RadioChannels = {
[1] = {
jobs = {'police', 'sheriff', 'lspd'},
frequencies = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
range = true -- if put false, this channel dont have range
[2] = {
jobs = {'ems', 'ambulance'},
frequencies = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10},
range = true
[3] = {
jobs = {'mechanic'},
frequencies = {11, 12},
range = true
[4] = {
jobs = {'bennys'},
frequencies = {13, 14},
range = true
[5] = {
jobs = {'taxi'},
frequencies = {15},
range = true
--[[ remove this line
[6] = { ❗ "Follow the order of the numbers, if the last one is 5, the next one is 6"
jobs = {'your_job', 'your_job2'}, ❗ Add if you want a job or more
frequencies = {999} ❗ Choose exclusive frequencies
remove this line ]]
-- ___ ____ ____ ____ _ _______
-- / | / __ \/ __ \ / __ \/ | / / ___/
-- / /| | / / / / / / /_____/ / / / |/ /\__ \
-- / ___ |/ /_/ / /_/ /_____/ /_/ / /| /___/ /
-- /_/ |_/_____/_____/ \____/_/ |_//____/
Config.Addons = {
secure = {
ENABLE = true, -- You need to download the DLC "stRadioSecureDLC" in order to be able to set true.
items = {
server = 'radio_server',
monitor = 'radio_monitor',
battery = 'radio_server_bat',
cables = 'radio_cables'
savePosition = true, -- in developent
spawnRange = 50,
placeObjectsTime = 10, -- segs
DestroySecureWithShot = true,
frequencies = {
MaxFrequency = 600,
MinFrequency = 500
jammer = {
ENABLE = false, -- You need to download the DLC "stRadioJammerDLC" in order to be able to set true.
item = 'radio_jammer',
range = 20, -- meters
savePosition = false, -- in developent
placeObjectsTime = 1, -- segs
DestroyJammerWithShot = true,
-- The minimum is 1 minute for optimization reasons
deleteAfter = 120 -- time in seconds // 2 minutes
water = {
ENABLE = true,
repairItem = 'radio_tool',
brokenRadio = 'radio_broken',
detele = {
-- canBreak -> After using the radio tool it has a probability of destroying the item.
-- delete -> After using the radio tool it is destroyed.
afterUse = 'canBreak',
chanceToBreak = 50, -- %
minigame = true,
timeToRepair = 10 -- segs
-- __ ___ __ __
-- / |/ /___ ____/ /_ __/ /__ _____
-- / /|_/ / __ \/ __ / / / / / _ \/ ___/
-- / / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / __(__ )
-- /_/ /_/\____/\__,_/\__,_/_/\___/____/
Config.RadioModules = {
battery = {
-- Don't change
-- ↑↑↑↑
['bat_low'] = 'bat_low', -- Can change the item name
['bat_medium'] = 'bat_medium', -- item name
['bat_high'] = 'bat_high' -- item name
colors = {
['radio_red'] = 'radio_red', -- item name
['radio_blue'] = 'radio_blue', -- item name
['radio_purple'] = 'radio_purple', -- item name
['radio_pink'] = 'radio_pink', -- item name
['radio_lightblue'] = 'radio_lightblue', -- item name
['radio_orange'] = 'radio_orange', -- item name
['radio_yellow'] = 'radio_yellow', -- item name
['radio_green'] = 'radio_green', -- item name
['radio_white'] = 'radio_white', -- item name
['radio_grey'] = 'radio_grey' -- item name
specials = {
['chip_5g'] = 'chip_5g',-- item name
['chip_ghost'] = 'chip_ghost',-- item name
['chip_antihack'] = 'chip_antihack',-- item name
['chip_waterproof'] = 'chip_waterproof' -- item name
mic = {
['mic_walkie'] = 'mic_walkie'
Config.HackRadioItem = 'hack_chip'
Config.MiniGame = {
background = 4, -- from 0 to 6
timeMin = 100, -- tiempo que cambia las columnas, maximo entre 0 a 255
timeMax = 200,
lives = 4,
bruteforceWords = {
Config.Battery = {
ENABLE = true,
INTERVAL = 1, -- Minutes
['portableBat'] = {
item = 'portable_bat',
mAh = 3000, -- Battery size.
animationDuration = 3, -- Seconds
animation = 'hassle_intro_loop_f',
animationDict = 'missheistfbisetup1',
['bat_low'] = {
mAh = 1000, -- Battery size.
idle = 5, -- Consumes 5% when the radio is stored and was opened for the first time.
onUse = 8, -- Consumes 8% when the radio is open (NUI open).
connected = 2.5, -- Consumes 2.5% when connected to a radio.
fail = 5, -- Possibility of battery failure and complete discharge.
['bat_medium'] = {
mAh = 2500,
idle = 3, -- %
onUse = 5, -- %
connected = 1.5,
fail = 3, -- %
['bat_high'] = {
mAh = 5000,
idle = 2, -- %
onUse = 3, -- %
connected = 0.5,
fail = 1, -- %
-- ____ ____ ____ ____ _____
-- / __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/
-- / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_/ /\__ \
-- / ____/ _, _/ /_/ / ____/___/ /
-- /_/ /_/ |_|\____/_/ /____/
Config.RadioProps = {
['radio_red'] = 'spicyradio_01',
['radio_blue'] = 'spicyradio_02',
['radio_purple'] = 'spicyradio_03',
['radio_pink'] = 'spicyradio_04',
['radio_lightblue'] = 'spicyradio_05',
['radio_orange'] = 'spicyradio_06',
['radio_yellow'] = 'spicyradio_07',
['radio_green'] = 'spicyradio_08',
['radio_white'] = 'spicyradio_09',
['radio_grey'] = 'spicyradio_010',
Last updated